Lady Gaga in The Rolling Stone

Lady Gaga Rolling Stone

Well, sex is certainly not, like, a priority at the moment.
I view sex and intimacy as the same.
But I’m at a different place in my life now than I was two years ago.
So I guess I'’m a woman now.

I don’t know when or why you realize that you’ve become a woman,
but I’'m a woman. I think different. I feel  different.
And I care less and less about what  people think as the hours go by.
I feel very strong.

And I feel that I’'m relatively clever enough to control that people pay  attention
more to my music and to my clothing than they do to my personal life.
Trust me,
I'’d much rather people write about what I wear and what I’m singing
and what I do in my videos than about who I'’m fucking.
I mean, that, for me, is the kiss of death.
(The Rolling Stone)

Lady Gaga


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